The Social Temporary Use Network, STUN, brings together platforms that are active in social temporary use in Europe.
This practice consists of repurposing buildings during periods of vacancy. It becomes possible to use them to enable local communities to become active players in the making of their neighbourhoods, as well as to foster social, environmental or cultural change. The opportunities of this practice are endless.
STUN’s mission is to empower platforms of social temporary use to build cities as commons. We do this by:
1. Improving our practices as Social Temporary Use platforms, designed as a fellowship of like-minded platforms and collectives, STUN gathers its members’ expertise into a common toolbox, to improve their practice and increase theirproblem-solving skills. In addition, STUN organises team visits, joint workshops, the STUN camp, monthly calls andinternal newsletters. All means are used to empower STUN members and have them take part in city making on the highest level.
2. Becoming Social Developers, social temporary use stimulates the making of cities and rural areas to be inclusive on a short-term basis. However other methods have to be used in order to make this change durable. For that reason at STUN we want our members to carry weight in the world of property development while keeping the social aims at heart. Therefore we decided to enter the big league by supporting members wishing to buy property or carry their ow development projects. In order to carry out this ambitious project, STUN is willing to join forces with partners such as Community Land Trusts, philanthropic foundations as well as social banks.
3. Lobbying to change mindsets and regulations around Temporary Use, Europe needs all its citizens’ creativity to address today’s socio-economic issues. Social temporary use not only supports the blossoming of ideas but also provides spaces for these ideas to materialise. STUN members originate from grassroots and are widely recognised by local citizens as a serious answer to today’s numerous crises. However, global change requires global attention and STUN aims to raise awareness among EU decision makers about the critical potential o social temporary use in building cities’ and territories' resilience.
For more info visit: stuneurope.org
This practice consists of repurposing buildings during periods of vacancy. It becomes possible to use them to enable local communities to become active players in the making of their neighbourhoods, as well as to foster social, environmental or cultural change. The opportunities of this practice are endless.
STUN’s mission is to empower platforms of social temporary use to build cities as commons. We do this by:
1. Improving our practices as Social Temporary Use platforms, designed as a fellowship of like-minded platforms and collectives, STUN gathers its members’ expertise into a common toolbox, to improve their practice and increase theirproblem-solving skills. In addition, STUN organises team visits, joint workshops, the STUN camp, monthly calls andinternal newsletters. All means are used to empower STUN members and have them take part in city making on the highest level.
2. Becoming Social Developers, social temporary use stimulates the making of cities and rural areas to be inclusive on a short-term basis. However other methods have to be used in order to make this change durable. For that reason at STUN we want our members to carry weight in the world of property development while keeping the social aims at heart. Therefore we decided to enter the big league by supporting members wishing to buy property or carry their ow development projects. In order to carry out this ambitious project, STUN is willing to join forces with partners such as Community Land Trusts, philanthropic foundations as well as social banks.
3. Lobbying to change mindsets and regulations around Temporary Use, Europe needs all its citizens’ creativity to address today’s socio-economic issues. Social temporary use not only supports the blossoming of ideas but also provides spaces for these ideas to materialise. STUN members originate from grassroots and are widely recognised by local citizens as a serious answer to today’s numerous crises. However, global change requires global attention and STUN aims to raise awareness among EU decision makers about the critical potential o social temporary use in building cities’ and territories' resilience.
For more info visit: stuneurope.org