Sharing the area with Oslo central station, Oslo Opera house and the barcode business district, this project sprouts from an idea brought up by Bybi
(the urban beekeepers association in Oslo) aimed to share nature’s preservation as an important factor to cunsider side by side with our everyday business decisions.

To bring attention to this topic, we proposed to place an apiary on top of the 12 story office building that housed Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC) in the new Bar Code business district in downtown Oslo.
The main constraints to design around is that certain parameters had to be met in order for bee colonies to function. The main factors considered had to be the inclusion of nectar rich plants, and avoidance of extreme high or low temperatures as well as wind.

The design’s goal for it was to function as a shield from extreme weather and
provide of a well ventilated and controlled environment to keep the
hives from stressing.

To conclude the project after the beekeeping season, we checked the
outcome of the hive. It had produced an over average amount of honey,
making the project effectively successful in protecting the colonies and
in providing a controlled environment.
outcome of the hive. It had produced an over average amount of honey,
making the project effectively successful in protecting the colonies and
in providing a controlled environment.